It's warming up a bit today and looks good for the next couple days. We're heading to Illinois today for dinner at my sister Cindy's in Naperville. Krissy is making her world famous green bean casserole!
Last night was a good night. We had fancy tacos at Bel Air then headed over to the legendary Wolski's Tavern. Some Boston fans were there and they are heading up to Green Bay for the big game tomorrow.
Mickey Rourke quit boxing 20 years ago. But at the age of 62 he won a boxing match last night. He's planning a few more also. I wish he would do a few more movies. The Miami native always stayed local and never went to Hollywood. White Sands is one of my favorite movies!
The first Ebola test vaccines are having positive results. All the gloom and doom panic sayers should be ashamed of themselves. There's no more cases in the United States. It's amazing how science and doctors know what they are talking about although I never doubted them.
Oil is around 67 bucks a barrel. Drillers and energy stocks are taking a pretty good hit. Don't feel sorry for the manipulators and speculators. They did alright for themselves for a long streak at the expense of the middle class.
We'll be stopping at Nike Outlet on the way to Illinois today. I promised Coco a brand new pair of basketball shoes. With making high honor roll it's a promise I'm delighted to keep!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. The weather pretty much mirrored last years holiday.
I picked up Coco looking all sharp with Ipad in full charge. Unfortunately the kids he usually plays with were sick this year. Still, it was a great meal.
The Bears started out well for once. Then just fell off a cliff. Time to redo the roster and the coaching staff. Just a terrible underperforming team.
We passed a shopping mall on the way home. Carloads of people lined up at stores. I'll never be one of those people!
Four hours total in a car with a busy today tomorrow. I'm really thankful for my sleep number bed!
Another cold November day but it's the day before Thanksgiving and it's a popular bar night. We're meeting Angela and John at Balzac shortly for cocktails.
Thanksgiving has long been my favorite holiday. Nothing fancy, no presents needed just some food, football and friends.
The Bears play Detroit tomorrow in the early game. It's been a while since they've played on Thanksgiving so hopefully they gut out a win against a great defense.
I was in Puerto Vallarta once during this holiday. It was just one ordinary day in Mexico and seemed a bit odd as I recall.
In 1989 President George H.W. Bush did the first official turkey pardon. President Obama carried on the tradition today. I love turkey too much to take a pass. Stay safe tonight and have a toast on me!
A snowless day in the mid 20's. I've still have to go running. The weekdays are getting tough especially when it's dark so early.
George Eads is leaving CSI after this season. He was one of the original cast members when it premiered. It's still a great show and basing it out of Las Vegas was one of the greatest ideas in the history of television!
Derrick Rose came back for the Bulls last night and they won. Caution with this great point guard at the beginning of the season will payoff come playoff time.
Krissy and Coco put some Christmas solar lights on the front bushes. She wants to leave them up year round. By the time we get done buying solar lights we won't need electricity. The property is starting to resemble a helicopter launch pad!
At the beginning of the year I predicted the DOW would hit 18,000 and I meant it. I quickly soured on that prediction with all the world conflicts particularly the Putin/Ukraine situation. With gas prices down and GDP up, I'm within 200 points. Go DOW!
We're in the midst of a slush storm. I'm going running in a few minutes so this shall be fun. We have 40's in the forecast for next week.
We are stopping at Nike Outlet in Kenosha on saturday on our way to Illinois. Getting Coco some new basketball shoes and I'm scoping out running shoes.
No word yet on the Jon Lester sweepstakes. I'm still clinging to hope that he chooses the Cubs!
Chuck Hagel resigned as Defense Secretary today. He was terrible at his confirmation hearings so this shouldn't be a big surprise.
Krissy is torturing me with that Kardashian program. One of them was just whining that they have no where to host a birthday party because their mansion is still under construction. They just might be the most terrible people on the face of this earth!
Just in time for the holidays you can get a piece of Wrigley Field. It's currently under renovations. I'd be interested in an outfield wall brick myself but they are trying to reuse most of them. The site is Grab a piece of history!
Another nice November day. It sure makes running easier than fighting a slippery sidewalk in 10 degree winds. There's plenty of that ahead for me.
A happy birthday to my Dad and Angela. I'll be polite and not mention anybody's age.
Coco sang in church today with his class. A very nice job and the service started with a wonderful video that I need to find. It was like a rock star quality short that you would find at a U2 concert.
The Bears won their second game in a row. A win on Thanksgiving keeps their chances alive but basically they need to win out.
Krissy went to Home Depot today which is always dangerous. We hung up a shelf in her changing room which used to be my office in another lifetime.
Anyway, it was supposed to be a 15 minute project. Of course, if you want anything remotely level automatically add another hour to the task!
People are out and about everywhere enjoying the warm weather. It's only in the 40's but people are acting like it's the first warm day of spring.
Kind of a slow day. Grocery shopping and tacos for dinner.
Krissy and Coco are putting up Christmas decorations as I write. They both like doing that. I never have, not even as a kid. I'll just troll on the internet until they finish. I have a Red Stripe beer keeping me company!
Key West has an unsecured wireless network now in Old Town. The other sections of the island will have it later on by next year. Milwaukee had plans to do that at one time but it fell thru.
The Bulls are having a rough go out west losing to Portland last night. Three players sat out including Pau Gasol and Derrick Rose. Now Taj Gibson will be out awhile as he severely sprained his ankle. It's a deep team and it's still early so no worries.
I went running and took the walking bridge over the Milwaukee River. It's still frozen. I don't remember it ever being frozen in November!
It warmed up a bit this afternoon. It should be nice enough tomorrow to get a couple of runs in.
Coco's sister Simone is pretty sick. He'll be spending the entire weekend with me trying to stay healthy.
I'm still not used to how dark it is so early. We still have another month to go for the darkest day of the year.
The Bulls have 3 players sidelined by injuries. It's a tough road trip as it's the Circus Trip. Every year the circus comes to the United Center sending the Bulls on a long extended west coast road trip.
Krissy is out visiting her sister tonight. She was too cool to eat Little Caesars pizza and hangout with Coco and I.
The City of Waukesha announced that they will have to violate a court order regarding their drinking water. It has too much radium in it and they were supposed to eradicate the problem by 2018. Three more years they have to do complete the task but they don't seem to be in any big hurry. Cut your taxes to the bone and keep poisoning your kids. What a town!
Another below average temperature day but at least no snow. The poor people in Buffalo and upstate Wisconsin are getting killed with even more snow.
Legendary director Mike Nichols passed away. He was married to Diane Sawyer for 26 years. He directed The Graduate and one of my personal favorites Silkwood.
Jim Webb announced that he is forming a committee to run for President which means basically that he is. Don't count him out. He's well spoken, a noted author, Senator and a former Navy Secretary.
There's plans to have a bobblehead museum in Milwaukee. They need $250,000 to get it started. So far they have just under $400 raised. I don't think the groundbreaking is anytime soon!
Speaking of bobbleheads, notorious legendary Chicago Cub fan Ronnie Woo Woo Wickers is getting his own bobblehead. Ronnie yells woo woo in various dialects from throughout the outfield bleachers.
I first met Ronnie in 1981 in the right field bleachers. He is very loud trust me. Bill Buckner once turned around from first base and waved at Ronnie so he would just shut up. This bobblehead is special. It actually has a press button that says "woo woo" when pressed. Congrats Ronnie. You're a loyal fan whom I've always enjoyed talking to!
It warmed up a bit but snow flurries again. No one has any salt yet and the sidewalks are treacherous.
Even Key West is getting hit by cool winds. It dropped down to 61 degrees last night.
Free agent pitcher Jon Lester visited Wrigley Field and the Cubs organization yesterday. Not a great time to visit Chicago. He received an offer and now the waiting game begins. Yes, I have my hopes up because I think this guy sets the table for the next 3-4 years.
I was listening to Shaquille O'Neal this morning on the radio. He relayed a story on how he played against Ya Ming the great Chinese national center for 3 years before he realized he spoke english. It was funny and sad all at the same time. Ming turned out to be great at american movie star impersonations while playing for the Houston Rockets.
Over half the United States has snow at the moment. I would have been perfectly happy to be in the minority!
Another cold day. Makes running hard that is for sure. The 30's will feel balmy if they ever return.
I took a photo of the beginning of the new building by the lake. When it's completed it will be the tallest one in Milwaukee. I'm going to try and take some photos during all the different phases.
Coco made it to practice this morning and is feeling better. He fell asleep over the weekend reading a history book and got a black eye somehow!
Record setting snow in Buffalo, New York already. People trapped in their cars along the roadways. Could be a long winter everywhere.
Band Aid and Bob Geldoff are back. Thirty years ago
they raised money to feed Africa. This time it's to fight Ebola!
The Beginning |
It was a cold run today that's for sure. It doesn't warm up much until saturday. That May triathlon seems like years away right now.
Coco woke up sick this morning. Always good to make it healthy thru the weekend though. His sister is sick also.
Donald Trump stated this morning that he might possibly run for President in 2016. He's been saying that every election since 1987. It's getting old but it's a free country and there's plenty of room on the clown car for him. I imagine they might even let him drive a bit.
Bono Vox is having a rough week. First a door implodes on a lear jet that he was traveling on and he lost his luggage at 30,000 feet. Then he goes for a bike ride in Central Park and breaks an arm that requires surgery. He's one of my all time favorite people and I hope he gets back on track. The guy is a legendary humanitarian!
Krissy picked up a beef tenderloin for dinner. I entertained the thought of grilling it before I came to my senses. The oven will be just fine and I'll pan fry the edges in my cast iron pan!
A decent November day. I heard they got 4 feet of snow, yes feet not inches up north on the Michigan border. So I won't be complaining about 25 degrees for a while.
Happy Birthday to Angela. We're going to Louise's for dinner followed by a band at the Knick I heard. I believe five card stud is playing. A truly great bar band.
I've lost hands at poker before but former baseball player Jose Canseco actually lost a finger while playing. He accidentally shot it last month and apparently the rest of it fell off while he was in the midst of a tournament.
We went to half priced books today with some coupons. I finally bought a John LeCarre' book. The Spy Who Came In From The Cold.
Jim and Nana were down south with their Airstream and brought us some Jim Beam bbq rub. With the cold weather I've not been in the grilling mood. We're going grocery shopping tomorrow. Now I'm going to buy some ribs!
Another twenty something day. Started off the morning with an awards assembly at St. Marcus. Coco made the high honor roll and was presented with a spiffy new different colored tie and a certificate. I'm betting it will have some kind of food stain by the end of the day but proud of him none the less!
Former Chicago Mayor Jane Byrne passed away. She was one tough lady and known as the fun mayor. She started Taste of Chicago on Navy Pier back in the day. It later moved to Grant Park. She was truly legendary!
Marisa Tomei will be making an appearance at the third annual Key West Film Festival. She has an Academy Award oh her resume.
Stay safe tonight!
Congrats |
Nice Day |
A cold windy day in the 20's with a bit of flurries. It made for a cold run today. Nobody is used to it yet. October was above average temperature wise and even had an 80 degree day the first week.
I had an early morning breakfast at St. Marcus this morning. I was hanging around Coco and four of his buddies. Afterwards we were supposed to be playing a question game. We had an arm wrestling contest instead. It got kind of loud and a teacher came over to break it up. Oh well, at least I won!
Don't miss the Bulls-Raptors NBA game tonight. The Raptors have only lost one game and are undefeated at home.
It was a rough day at the local post office I guess. Our delivery woman made three different trips to our mailbox with mail.
ISIS has announced that they will have their own currency using gold,silver and copper. Even they don't think Bitcoin is a good idea apparently.
Five miles from Disneyland Paris there's a 150 pound tiger on the loose roaming the suburbs. There's a tiger hunt going on as we speak and no one is claiming responsibility for the little guy. Come on, this is France. Who lost their tiger?
We woke up to 21 degrees today. The next week looks cold and winter has come up on us once again.
The Key West Film Festival is this week. It runs from the 12th thru the 16th. They even have bands at their film festivals. Probably from up north trying to get away from this weather.
The Bears cut seldom used wide receiver Santonio Holmes. That should solve all their problems now and send them on a winning streak. At this point a streak would consist of one win and not giving up fifty points! I've been listening to Chicago sports radio. Last time fans went this berserk they fired Dave Wannstedt. This current coach is well on his way to getting his walking papers.
Yesterday was the 25th anniversary of the Berlin Wall coming down. In a few short years we will have an even bigger wall on our southern borders. Much more expensive also and if it's not manned with a soldier every 50 yards it won't change a thing. The next step will be for small drones to fly people over the high expensive wall.
Good news in Wisconsin. New laws are coming where it will be perfectly legal to kick a human being while they are down. They also get to pay for that privilege. If a corporate giant has layoffs those who apply for unemployment insurance get to take a drug test and they have to pay for it at their own cost. Assumed guilty until you prove otherwise. It's the new American way. It's a sin to be poor now. Where did common sense and decency go?
It started off as a wet November morning. Then the temperature dropped and we have some snow flurries.
I was up early to take Coco to 6:30am basketball practice. I get less sleep now than when I was in school.
Matt Damon is coming back with another Jason Bourne movie. He bowed out of the last one and this one won't be released until 2016. Maybe he misses the giant paycheck. The series has been a huge financial success including the books which came out well before the movies.
Speaking of money, NFL quarterback Carson Palmer has impeccable timing. He signed a 50 million dollar contract last friday and suffered a knee injury sunday which will keep him out for the season.
Today is the 95th anniversary of Armistice which was between the Allies of World War 1 and Germany. It was the war that was supposed to be the war of all wars and end any future wars. Maybe the worst prediction in the history of the world!
Anyway, it's always nice on days like this to remember the veterans. In 20 years the VA will be so overwhelmed due to all these recent wars that benefits will suffer I'm afraid.
Stay dry!
It was a very nice mild November day. I went for a nice run but didn't enjoy it much. The Bears were slaughtered last night for the second game in a row.
I could literally hear George Halas roll over in his grave last night. It's not easy to sleep when the legacy of a team you grew up with just plain quits and gets beat up like that.
In the old days when the team wasn't good it was at least fun to watch the defense. Guys named Butkus or Hampton would just beat guys up on the other team. They were the Monsters of the Midway.
In the 1980's the Bears were one of the premier teams in the NFL for a whole decade. The 1985 team won a Super Bowl and is considered perhaps to be the greatest single team of all time led by Walter Payton.
The Bears have more players by far in the Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio than anyone else. The fans support this team with tons of money thru ticket and merchandise sales.
Halas brought Mike Ditka in to coach the team right before he passed away. Eleven years later his grandson fired Ditka who had become too popular and the face of the franchise. Since then it has been cheap General Managers and cheap Coaches. They won't pay top dollar for outstanding management. The fish rots from the top down don't forget.
I'm getting quite tired of hearing about the Matriarch of the NFL in Virginia McCaskey. She really hasn't worked at all for the team. She was simply the daughter of a man named George Halas who was the premier founder of the NFL. The man attended a Green Bay city board meeting back in the day and begged them to build a new stadium to keep the Packers there. Obviously they listened to him.
Now I don't have anything against Virginia. She's a nice old lady but so was my grandmother and she couldn't run an NFL franchise neither. It's time to sell because your son's aren't doing even a decent job with our Chicago Bears. I know this will never happen. Us fans will keep going to games and spending money. The price of loyalty hurts sometime!
A decent November day. There's a Pacific Ocean typhoon that will be bringing a cold streak to the Midwest next week.
A big welcome to Belarus as they become the 28th country to visit the blog!
Krissy made one of the all time great flans last night. Coco and I love flan. Krissy not so much. Interesting for someone to make something great but not like it that much. That's hard to do.
I've been cooking and washing dishes all day myself. Little man has been eating me out of house and home today!
We tried the Little Caesars pretzel crust pizza for the pre-game dinner tonight. Not too bad. A little different having cheddar on it.
There was a cool motorcycle with a sidecar parked in front of our house today. Krissy believes it's a Russian model.
The Bears play the Packers tonight. The Packers should be heavily favored. I'm the Bears fan and Krissy the Packers fan. Someone will be going to bed unhappy tonight! Go Bears!!!!!
The Russian Bike |
Love It |
Typical 40's type November weather. Next week though has some lows in the teens.
Spent a lot of time running errands today. Including taking Coco to the doctor. Boy genius got a henna tattoo of a Phoenix on his arm while on vacation in Mexico. Now he is having an allergic reaction to it. The great deal on the tattoo doesn't seem so good now. Five bucks!
Another good job report today. Unemployment drops to 5.8% an all time low for the last 6 years. The recession recovery is much better here than in Europe.
The World of Beer on Brady Street closed after a two year run. It was the only chain joint in the neighborhood and it didn't surprise me. We only showed up there once. Not a enough character in comparison to all the great neighborhood joints that we have. Keep those places out by the shopping malls.
We're using a Groupon at the Hotel Metro tonight. I can't wait. Maybe hit the Bad Genie music joint on the way home.
Christmas music blaring on the radio already. Not just one song neither but continuous so I had to turn the channel. Way too soon for me. I try to listen to Christmas music only at the appropriate time such as when I start Christmas shopping. In other words, right around December 20th!
It was a cold and rainy day. The forecast shows steadily dropping temps for the next week. Snow isn't that far away. Time to find the snow shovel that I put in the shed somewhere.
The Salvation Army bell ringers are out in full force already. In Cathedral Square they were putting up Christmas trees and lights already. It's way to early for me. There's no reason the holiday season has to be 2 full months long. Now, a few retailers are going to be open on Thanksgiving Day. I'll specifically boycott any stores that make employees work on a holiday like that.
Our front bushes by the house still have all their leaves just like last fall. It bloomed awfully late in the spring. Somehow it's gotten off kilter the last couple years but theres a group of birds that just live in there very happily all day.
The Bulls beat the Bucks last night in NBA action in Milwaukee. Coco and I watched it as he had a few friends attending the game and he was hoping to spot them in the stands.
The 34th Annual Key West World Championship powerboat racing series is going on in Key West thru this sunday. Some of the fastest boats in the world in three different classes will be racing all week.
Gotta run now. Have a parent teacher conference at St. Marcus tonight. Coco made high honor roll with a 3.81 grade point average. Congrats my little smart man, a very nice honor indeed!
Another nice November day. I did a lot of walking around town with errands including going to a basketball meeting. Coco has tryouts next week.
T. Boone Pickens has been complaining forever that we don't drill for enough oil in the United States. Now he says we need to slow down drilling because there's too much drilling bringing the price down and he isn't making enough money. The man is 86 and a billionaire. Quit bitching PRINCESS you can't take it with you!
Free agency is starting up in baseball next week. Hopefully the Cubs will get a top notch pitcher like Jon Lester.
John and Angela are out west in Arizona on their annual trek. Fly safe we'll see you soon.
The election is finally over. It looks like Mitch McConnell will have to wake up from his six year old nap and actually do something. Don't bet on this Congress doing much better than the last one. Although staying in double digit approval ratings would actually be a step up.
The race for 2016 might as well start now. What else can all these news pundits do!
A windy November day. I went running in the morning before it got really bad. My right leg is hurting a little bit. Going to run thru it though as the May triathlon will be here before I know it.
One of the car guys passed away. Tom Magliozzi was one of the brothers on NPR's Car Talk. Krissy is a huge fan of the show and the man was legendary!
Joe Maddon bought a round of drinks yesterday for everyone after his press conference at the Cubby Bear. Chicago and Cub fans everywhere are already loving the new manager!
I signed Coco up for basketball. Tryouts start next week already.
Election coverage is already starting. I'll be up late watching the returns. The pundits are in heaven.
It's good to have little man back in the country. Chloe gave him a big hug as he walked in the door. Dog truly is man's best friend!
A beautiful November day. Chloe still wearing us out with these long walks. Looks like she'll be going home tomorrow as Coco gets back in town late tonight.
Election day tomorrow. Hopefully they'll take a break before the merry go round starts for the next one.
I've ran three days in a row and the legs are feeling fine!
Congrats to Nik Wallenda for a successful walk across the Chicago River. He was 600 feet high between Marina City Tower and the Leo Burnett Building for his high wire act.
Joe Maddon was officially announced as the 54th manager for the Chicago Cubs. I love this guy. Pure entertainment value plus a great manager. I've got a good feeling about this guy. He paid his dues before he finally got a shot 9 years ago. Thanks for the hope and welcome to Wrigley Field!
Halloween Duo |
Taking A Break |