Another wonderful Arizona trip and a big thanks to our hosts John and Angela. It wasn't quite as warm as last year but still very good.
We took a brief interlude in the middle to travel to Tuscon. Krissy and I stayed at the famous Hotel Congress which is where they caught John Dillinger in 1934.
We also went to Old Tuscon the movie studio and took a tour of St. Xavier church which was built around 1692. Also took in a play called the Two Amigos at the Gaslight Theatre. Coco thought the show was hilarious.
Back in Scottsdale he managed to do some go karting with Justin and we hiked Pinnacle Peak. Cave Creek we visited twice as well as Old Scottsdale.
The big event was the Cubs Spring Training game against the Reds. John bought me a Lee Smith autographed baseball and he went for a George Foster ball. Both were terrific guys. Coco and I almost caught balls but came up short. No worries though as it was a terrific trip once again!
Getting back in the groove now!