Thursday, January 9, 2014

A Bridge Over Troubled Water

It appears that two of Governor Christie's under links didn't receive the memo that only rock bands like the Beatles or U2 should cause traffic jams. A cheap juvenile stunt delayed or tied up traffic for multiple days on the nation's largest bridge. School buses late for school, ambulances delayed and general commuter hell for ordinary Joe's just wanting some dinner. It was done as a political payback because the Fort Lee, New Jersey voters didn't support Christie.

Personally, I've always liked Governor Christie. Sure, he's brass, arrogant and condescending to the media, but he's a straight shooter. He gives people an issue oriented opinion out of one side of his mouth unlike a certain governor in Wisconsin.

The million dollar question becomes quite obvious. Will this doom his prospects of winning the GOP nomination for president? It's a split decision amongst political strategists but I'll go on record and say he is done! Tony Soprano just doesn't play well in Iowa.

Good news for Milwaukee this summer. The Blue Angels are back and will be flying in the air and water show in June. They were grounded last year due to the government sequestration.

Key West is having crime problems with the so called "Graveyard Thief". No, not a grave robber but a professional burglar hitting this beautiful neighborhood hard. The police have a couple of suspects via local surveillance cameras and have sent them to the FBI for further clarity. Hopefully the authorities will make a break in the case soon.

Kudos to Tom Glavine, Frank Thomas and Greg "Mad Dog" Maddux for being elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame. Maddux was one of my favorite baseball players of all time. I remember being in the Wrigley Field bleachers in 1987 watching him pitch. He wasn't very good then and I told my friends that the Cubs needed to switch him from a starting pitcher to a relief pitcher or he wouldn't be in the league very long!

I actually sent my resume to the Cubs organization once looking for a job and I never heard back from them. Hmmm, I wonder why?


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