Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Amazon Drones Are Coming

How does one beat the hot July heat? Easy, move to Milwaukee. We can't break 70 for more than a couple hours a day. We've only seen 80's a few times this summer and we haven't even sniffed 90, especially by the lakefront.

We watched the whole Whiskey Belles show last night at Bastille Days and both of us agreed that it's been their best show that we've seen. During the intermission I bought Coco a Batman and Robin metal picture that he spotted on thursday night. We've already hung it in his room to surprise him!

I caught some of the Tour de France this morning. It sure is some beautiful countryside they race thru. The race itself was started in 1903 to promote local magazine sales. Besides a brief hiatus during two world wars, it's become one of the largest sporting events in the world.

Amazon is asking the FAA for permission to test commercial drone deliveries in the United States. Amazon first broached the idea last year and it would certainly decrease their delivery costs tremendously in the long run.

However, I think the commercial drone idea is terrible for several reasons. Some of them will likely fall out of the sky and kill someone as they are mechanical objects. Also, I can see some people shooting them out of the sky like a turkey shoot just to rip off some merchandise.

Most importantly though,  I can't think of a better way for terrorists to attack and damage large buildings throughout the country. Let's just keep it simple for once. Besides, I have friends that work for UPS!


Bastille Days Friday Night
Selfie at the Bar
Coco's New Sign

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