It doesn't seem to be a popular holiday any longer. Most people have to work and Coco even had school today. Schools used to be off for both Lincoln and Washington's birthdays. People in general don't respect the office anymore or politicians. Hard to blame people after witnessing the do nothing Congress these last few years.
I watched the first half of the NBA All-Star game last night with Coco. After two minutes he asked me why they play just bad defense. Even for an exhibition game it was exceptionally terrible!
Krissy made a great chicken parm last night. Restaurant quality stuff. Plenty of leftovers for the week!
We each need 27 songs for the Jimmy Buffett set list concert contest. It's the only way to get tickets to the Key West show. People can only enter once. A lifetime of music makes it tough to narrow it down. But we're diligently working on it!
The weather continues to be tough. It looks like it will get back to normal this week. Baseball is still a ways away but we are getting ready. We already have Cubs tickets for May 8th when they visit Milwaukee!