Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Don't Show Off

The Captain of the Costa Concordia was sentenced to 16 years in prison. He was the Captain who ran a cruise ship aground killing 32 people. Reportedly he was showing off a stupid maneuver to a girl. I'm fairly certain she won't be waiting until 2031 for him.

We're having computer problems so I'm using a laptop for tonight's blog. I always have a hard time when I switch machines. Heck, I have enough problems just using the same computer everyday!

It looks like a cold streak is coming to town starting tomorrow. We just have to hang on for 2 more weeks and basically real winter is over.

Jerry "The Shark" Tarkanian passed away. He won a National Championship coaching the running rebels in 1990. That's 2 legendary coaches lost in a week. UNLV was always fun to watch as they were a running team.

Happy Hump Day, the weekend is getting closer!


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