Saturday, March 7, 2015

St. Patrick's Comes Early

The temperature hit 45 degrees just in time for people to enjoy the many pub crawls today. The streets were packed with huge groups of people in matching shirts participating in some St. Patrick's pub crawls. The last few years St. Patrick's Day in Milwaukee is celebrated as a two week event much like Mardi Gras!

They started early also as we were hitting the grocery store and they were out in abundance. Krissy and I are heading out soon so it will be interesting to see the carnage. I'm betting some people are still hitting it hard.

I saw where the Keys are having a particularly great Hogfish season. If you've never had it please try it. It's a meaty fish with a great taste and it actually looks like a pig in the facial features. Great eating.

I'm hitting the shower with a large Red Stripe and in a great mood. I finished the first draft of my book today. I started it June 24th. Now I'm going to read the whole thing, outline it to make sure the timeline makes sense then do some revisions. After that a third and hopefully final re-write. I'm going to be busy but I'm hoping I can complete it by May 1st. For now though I'm going to enjoy the moment!


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