Wednesday, June 10, 2015

A Volvo On A Sunny Day

A simply gorgeous day. We are now officially looking at Volvo Suv's. They look pretty sharp actually and they seem to last forever. We shall see. Krissy is test driving one Friday morning.

I've got some yard bird on the grill for dinner and the Hawks start in a few minutes.

The Averitt Brothers are the 4th of July Headliner for Summerfest. That took a long time to fill the final slot. I've heard good thing s about them and they have played to good crowds in Milwaukee before.

Jamie Dimon the billionare CEO of JPM believes that Senator Elizabeth Warren doesn't understand the global banking system. You mean the one that makes you a billionaire while you lay off thousands of workers Jamie? That global banking system????

The two escaped convicts are being looked for just as hard as the missing Malaysia Airliner. The answer seems to be the same, GPS. Ask Krissy, it's on my IPhone and she always knows where I am!


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