Sunday, August 30, 2015

Always Use Later

Well, I'll shorten this up a bit as it was an emotional week. Coco, my dad and I got up early to go for breakfast and a little basketball at the park before he left to go back home. The dampness from the rain wasn't going to stop us. It was fun for me, from a personal standpoint, to see the old coach in my dad running around on the court shouting instructions to Coco. Time had changed but the instructions and advice has not. Play hard and don't take any crap from anyone. It worked for me 40 years ago and it still plays true today.

It was a bit sad for us as he walked onto the train. Krissy made him a wonderful lunch for the trip home.

Then it was onto the store to get ice for John and Angela's moving away party. A great turnout with great food for some truly wonderful friends. They have been such a large part of our lives and we will sure miss them. My only consolation is that I have to go to their house tomorrow to pick up some periodicals to store for John. I'll leave it at that!

For many of you that have followed this blog since inception, you've noticed that I never use the word 'goodbye.' I only say that at funerals. Today wasn't a funeral, so I use later. For anyone who's ever seen Oceans 13,"I'll see you when I see you!"


Angela, John and the puggles- we will miss you guys!

Saying goodbye at  the tiki bar with John's dad, Buzz, and Tom. 

An aunt's bad influence 

Pam and Rowan (no, she's not on a leash)

Ashley doing what she does best, being cool. 

Dad on a hog

Cole wishful thinking 

"Cole Knievel"

Sunday morning breakfast 

Saturday night monopoly 

Buck Bradley's fish fry Friday 

More strange figurines at Buck Bradley's 

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