Thursday, September 24, 2015

CSI Finale

I'm an original CSI fan who's seen most episodes since its inception. I've always been a big William Peterson fan. Anyway, it was finally cancelled after a very long run but left some things hanging. Sunday night is a special 2 hour finale.

The sun went down at it got chilly fast. They are saying it should be an above average October though.

The Super Moon Lunar Eclipse is Sunday also.

Interesting watching the Pope give an address at the Capitol today. He didn't shake anyone's hands until he was almost at the end and saw John Kerry and he shook his hand. I found that interesting.

I saw a special on Milwaukee last night and you used to be able to see clear to the bottom of the Milwaukee River at 18 feet. Now you can't even see 18 inches which is sad.

I'm picking Washington to beat the Giants tonight. I have to go over my record for last week I just realized.

Enough Senate commercials in Wisconsin already. The election is NEXT November guys!

Coco's team won their soccer game against a pretty good team 2-0 tonight.

Garth Brooks is in town tonight and tomorrow night also. Shania Twain is on a goodbye tour.  I thought she did that years ago. Who does she think she is? Cher!


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