Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Milwaukee Debate

It's the 40th anniversary of the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. Gordon Lightfoot wrote a brilliant song about it but I'm not sure how many young people know it's a real event. It left Superior, WI with 29 people aboard and it went down in one of the earliest November storms ever. They pulled up the bell in 1995 and it is in a museum. The ship was over 700 feet long and was named after the Northwestern Mutual CEO when it was built. It actually rests over 500 feet below the surface in Canadian waters and it's illegal to dive to it.

Krissy and I went to the Central Library to hear author Ann Marie Walker speak about writing and selling books. Then we walked to Major Goolsby's for dinner which just happens to be next to the Milwaukee Theater which was hosting the GOP debate so we watched it right next door. The service people working didn't seem to pleased when every candidate said NO to a raise in the minimum wage. I probably wouldn't count on their vote!

It was a fairly small crowd outside and not a lot of energy. I've heard there was about 4000 people inside the theater. I watched the entire debate and watched the crowd from different angles and I feel confident in saying that the GOP has absolutely no chance in this election regardless of candidates on either side simply because of demographics. The entire crowd was old white people. Even in the coverage afterwards there were few young people and I couldn't see one single person of color besides two camera people. To be fair, I didn't see the wait staff!


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