Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Retirement For The Most Interesting Man

Another 70 degree day in Milwaukee. The last snow pile is almost gone. This would be the earliest it's ever been gone since I moved here 15 years ago.

Coco's soccer team was beat badly in their final game. He played well though with excellent passing. They start another session later this month and it's full court indoor soccer which better suits their strengths.

The NFL free agency started today and there's a few new multi-millionaires walking around today!

Wisconsin is reported today to have the 4th worst roads in the United States. They used to be real good. I guess that's what happens when you refuse to pay for services. There's no free lunch folks.

I'm heartbroken to learn that 77 year old Jonathan Goldsmith is retiring. He's the most interesting man in the world for Dos Equis beer. When I started this blog I mentioned him with very high regard. Just last week I took a picture of one of his posters at a bar like I always do. He played the part well for 9 years. The company wants a change due to demographics of their customers but I think it's a huge mistake because everybody knows this guy as their guy. Come on, don't do this to me. On the other hand, it does create a job opening for a younger version of this cat like myself!!!!


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