Monday, June 20, 2016

Summer Solstice

It's the longest day of the year for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere today. We get 17 hours of daylight. No wonder I was up so early this morning and couldn't figure out why. Light was blasting in the skylight early for sure.

Our boy Trump thinks everyone in the Orlando club should have been armed last week. Well, there was an armed security guard but if every small business needs to hire a small security force there will be a lot of places going out of business. Funny, I grew up in a rural area and when we got our guns we were taught that guns and alcohol don't mix. A loyal Trump supporter actually suggested on the radio that people shouldn't drink then. Yes, this go back to the era of Prohibition and Tommy guns!

Coco had an excellent day at the Marquette University Soccer Camp working with the oldest group which includes some soon to be freshman. He held his own in the 92 degree heat. A first class operation and they had a trainer on duty making sure everyone stayed hydrated with massive containers of Gatorade and water that they brought out. Equipment issues were quickly fixed and the coaching staff really knows their stuff. Kudos to Marquette for an excellent facility also.


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