Friday, January 8, 2016

Happy Birthday Elvis

Elvis Presley would have been 81 years old today. It's hard to believe he's been gone almost half his life. Still the greatest entertainer probably ever in the entire world!

Another excellent jobs report today. Some so called experts will try to knock it but it sure beats losing 800,000 jobs a month like 2008. People seem to have a short memory if it doesn't fit their narrative.

No Jimmy Buffett tour dates yet for 2016 but the watch will start in a couple weeks. Fans plan their summer vacations around the week he comes to their city so it's a big deal and gives people a chance to look forward to summer.

Jimmy's loyal guitarist Mac McAnally has a new album out. He's a great songwriter in his own right. It's called AKA Nobody and it can be downloaded free off his website if you google it. We did it last week and it's a winner!

Stay safe out there on this foggy Friday night!


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