Thursday, May 19, 2016

Goodbye Morley

Morley Safer from 60 Minutes retired last week and today he passed away. He was one of the last old  school journalists around. You won't really see his likes on television again and the future doesn't look bright judging by what I see on cable news stations which are really entertainment channels in disguise. Morley's expose on the Vietnam War was what started a decade of turmoil against the war movement and he will be missed!

An Egyptian plane crashed and people jumping to conclusions before the wreckage is even found.

The Cubs lost a tough afternoon game to the Brewers and leave for a series in San Francisco none too soon.

I went in for an oil change and ended up with a tire rotation also. Car maintenance adds up.

Nothing but technical problems today. Trying to use the ICloud and save some pictures turned into a mess. I could have built a car from scratch faster I think and now I can't get a store coupon to print properly. It's my own fault. I use a 12 year old for all my Apple phone issues and he knows my password but he's out of town. I'm talking about my 12 year old son Cole not Trump!


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