Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Warmup Starts

It's supposed to hit a high of 3 degrees today and hit the 30's by Friday. The freeze is causing problems throughout the country. JetBlue airlines has cancelled or delayed 4200 flights and I had to pull my indoor tropical plants away from the cold windows. Even Key West couldn't escape the fringe of the polar vortex as it dropped into the 50's last night with a chilly day ahead for the Conch Republic.

Janet Yellin was confirmed by the senate yesterday to succeed Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. The first woman ever to be the head of this "ole boy institution". Judging by the 26 no votes from the other "ole boy institution" there appears to be some unhappiness in the ranks.

The Chicago Bulls traded long time small forward Luol Deng to the Cleveland Cavaliers for long time pain in the ass Andrew Bynum and draft picks. Bynum is expected to be released in a salary dump before he even sets foot in the Windy City. Bynum is widely viewed as a headache child who doesn't have the chops to make it in Chitown.

A speedy recovery to innovative Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos who had to be flown out of a tropical paradise with kidney stones. I've had two kidney stone surgeries myself and they aren't a joke!

Jihad Jane was sentenced yesterday to ten years for her part in a terrorism conspiracy. Either she had a great attorney or the blonde hair worked!

Received a post yesterday on a different blog that an investor was almost back to even on Bank of America stock (BAC) after holding it for 5 years. Wow! So, basically he has a slightly negative rate of return after 5 stinking years. He should have been in and out of this stock at least 20 times over this period. The internet and cheap trading costs would have made this  extremely profitable.  Buy and hold is a terrible strategy in this world economy.


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