Sunday, September 14, 2014

Greg Norman As Lefty

It's a gorgeous 60 plus degree day with nothing but sunshine. I went for a walk thru the neighborhood about an hour before the Packers kick off and it was eerily quiet. Maybe people are hanging out somewhere else for the game today or going to the Brewers game since they are still in the baseball playoff hunt.

I was wearing a flannel shirt with jeans and flip flops. I'm not ready to pack them away yet but no 70's in the near forecast neither.

There was actually a pickup truck on my block with an Arctic Cat snowmobile in the back bed. I know it's been a cold September but not that extreme.

Jared from the Subway commercials has a net worth of 15 million bucks I read today. Not bad for a former fat guy who was just looking for a diet!

A speedy get well to Greg Norman. It looks like his golf days are probably over after almost cutting his left hand off with a chainsaw. I've known a few people who've cut themselves up pretty bad using those things.

Krissy should be home soon. She'll be rooting for her team and I'll do some grilling getting ready for the Bears late game. Enjoy the rest of the day!


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